Friday, August 17, 2012

Disqus 2012 adds self deletion of comments? (Update: Disqus responds!)

I'm not sure about all of you, but I just experienced this new feature in Disqus 2012. When on a site that uses Disqus 2012, I now get this option to delete comments that I make. And the most interesting part about this is that I am not a moderator at said site.

Now of course this leaves a lot of questions to be answered. I'm sure that Disqus will probably publish an update to their change log, but once again I have a good eye for catching changes.

Here is all of the picture proof that you need:
 Now, take a look at the drop down.
 I'll go ahead and reach out to Disqus for comment. If I get a response, I'll post here.

Update: Ok, after a late response, Daniel Ha from Disqus has sent me a message back explaining that yes, this small change has been added. His exact text can be seen below. I'll ask if this functionality will also be added to the classic Disqus, maybe for compatibility reasons.
"We did make this small change and you are able to remove your own comments."