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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Announcement: Changes in the title HTML tag

If you have been visiting Techman's World over the past two days, you might have noticed that the title of posts in your browser has been a little bit changed.

What as going on was I have been recently making large strides to step up Techman's World SEO ranking. SEO is search engine optimization. SEO is very important in making web sites, because it affects how your site will be seen in search results from search engines around the web.

The title tag in the template before was set to show the blog's name, then the actual post title. So for example, a sample post would look like Techman's World: <post title>. I did a bit of research, and learned that having your blog's name in the page title is actually a bad idea. It can actually confuse search engines.

Techman's World has fixed that by having only a post title show up on post pages, and the blog's name show up on the index page (the home page). You can look at this change yourself, but I hope you all make these changes too to your blog.

I have to give credit to Blogger Buster for making a good post about this, although the blog itself does not have these changes. Ironic, isn't it? Click here to see the good post that they made.

Techman's World will eventually make a post about this as well, once I have done enough research and tested it on some test blogs that I have before site changes go live.

Hope you like the changes.